Thursday, June 19, 2008

Your Brain On Gay

Researchers in Sweden have found that homosexuality can be spotted in the brain.
You, see, it's something you're born with, bitches!
Scientist at the Karolinska Institute have spent time studying the scans of 90 straight and gay men and women. What they found was that the size of the two symmetrical halves of the brains of gay men resembled the brain of straight women.
In heterosexual women and gay men, the two halves of the brain are pretty much the same size. But in straight men, the right hemisphere is slightly larger.
And oddly enough, the brains of homosexual women were asymmetrical, just like those of straight men.
So, basically, it boils down to straight women and gay men have similar brain shapes. As do straight men and gay women.
Researches are still not certain what the differences in the brain shapes mean though.
Dr. Eric Vilain, professor of human genetics at UCLA says, "The big question has always been, if the brains of gay men are different, or feminized, as earlier research suggests then is it just limited to sexual preference or are there other regions that are gender atypical in gay males? For the first time, in this study it looks like there are regions of the brain not directly involved in sexuality that seem to be feminized in gay males."
He continues, "We know from studies that men, regardless of their sexual orientation, retain masculine characteristics when it comes to their sexual behavior. So I expect that some regions of the brain will remain masculine even in gay men."

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