Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mission Over - For Good!

Not all is well in the life of Tom Cruise!Aside from Valkyrie, which has been plagued by problems, it seems Cruise isn't being offered many roles. Recently, his people have reached out to Paramount about making Mission:Impossible 4. Unfortunately for Tommy, he got rejected. Sort of. Paramount decided to offer Cruise the opportunity to produce the film. Yes. Produce, not star in it.Though,contractually he's guaranteed the right to produce a film a this point, so it looks like it wasn't such a great offer.And being the diva that he is, Cruise decided not to take the producing role.Paramount is apparently trying to continue the franchise with a younger star and leave Cruise completely out. As for Cruise, his bad luck is continuing. This time with the Germans.
Valkyrie is the drama in which Cruise will play Claus von Stauffenberg, the German leader who tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler.Well, reports are that the German people are upset at the fact that Cruise's company, United Artists, has altered photos of von Stauffenberg to create a stronger resemblance between the German hero and Cruise. Reports are that alterations have been made to the nose, chin, and eyebrows. Tom should just make a film with Will Smith and all would be good*.
*Really bad.

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